Why Third-Party App Marketplace Will Ruin Your iPhone Experience

While there is a lot to like about an iPhone, nothing makes it more appealing than the ability to provide a safeguarded “Walled garden” with all the goodies inside. Though this ridiculously locked and blocked garden at times feels suffocating with toxic restrictions, most of the time, it offers a seamless experience across the board. 

Irrespective of which apps you use, what sort of features you are trying to explore, and what tricks you are endeavoring to master, you will count on your iPhone to live up to the billing with inimitable reliability.

Without an iota of doubt, having the freedom to download and install an app from outside of the App Store is something that’s going to please every layman out there. But when you scratch a little on the surface what comes out is akin to welcoming catastrophe with both hands. 

All You Need to Know About Setapp App Store Alternative in EU 1

With very few restrictions, the side-loaded apps may run amuck and could pose a greater risk to your security and privacy. As for your sensitive information, it will always warrant an extra layer of shield to stay away from prying eyes – failing to do that will make you fall prey to scammers, hackers, and whatnot.

Well, all these concerns bring me to “Notarization” designed to prevent iOS apps distributed through alternative app stores from going crazy and doing what they are not supposed to do behind the scenes. 

What is Notarization and How Does It Work? 

Notarization is aimed at ensuring that apps provided by the third-party app marketplaces do not contain malware and viruses as well as they are in accordance with their advertisement. 

To achieve this goal, Notarization has put in place a five-pronged strategy: 

  • Functionality: Notarization makes sure that binaries are reviewable and they do not consist of bugs. Moreover, it also emphasizes that they are fully compatible with the latest version of iOS. 
  • Accuracy: Apps must be in compliance with what the developers claim.
  • Privacy: Apps are not allowed to secretly collect or transmit private data. 
  • Safety: Apps must not promote violence or encourage physical harm. 
  • Securely: Apps must not indulge in the distribution of malware or viruses. 

Even though the malware and virus segments are going to pass through an automatic process, Apple has set up a more constructive human review that will have the responsibility to make sure that apps function in keeping with the advertisement. 

Furthermore, all iPhone apps will reportedly be encrypted and signed as an additional security measure. It will make sure the end users are able to get the apps from trusted sources. Additionally, it will also play a vital role in preserving the intellectual property of developers. 

During installation, the notarized apps will go through multiple security checks in order to ward off any malicious tampering. This double-checking during the installation phase will also ensure that the whole process was initiated through a trusted and authorized web browser. 

Then, Where Does Notarization Fall Flat? 

However, what ails the Notarization is the lack of the teeth required to check apps for quality – unlike the one that exists for the App Store. And that’s exactly what might spell doom for everything your iPhone exists for you…

Whereas the App Store keeps a close tab on offensive and explicit content and does everything possible to keep shady content at a fair distance, third-party app marketplaces will have their own set of rules. Even if they will have thousands of such rules, it remains to be seen how long and to what extent they will adhere to them. As Apple’s content guidelines won’t apply to the sideloaded apps, the influx of malware attacks on iOS will no longer make headlines. 

Of course, you have the absolute freedom to stop yourself from getting entangled in the “Euphoria-driven but fraught with risk” world of sideloading apps, there is a certain limit to temptation. With enhanced wisdom, you might manage to wrest the urge to unlock the wonderland. But could you say the same thing about your ever-curious kid who never misses any chance to take your iPhone for a spin? 

Read more: All You Need to Know About Setapp – App Store Alternative in EU

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Rajesh Mishra

Editor-in-Chief: Rajesh Mishra is a Shakespearean poet at heart who turned a tech nerd while having a secret rendezvous with iPhone 4. When that rendezvous turned obsession, he let go of his hard-core political journalism in favour of the lifelong love-affair with technology. In a career spanning one and a half decades, Mr. Mishra has crafted over 8K articles. When he is not at his desk, you may find him either engrossed in a Deathmatch or chasing Wordsworth!

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