Stuck in Full Screen Mode? 10 Ways to Fix & Exit Full Screen in Windows 11 24H2

Noting feels more annoying than being accidentally stuck in full-screen mode on Windows 11. Having experienced this frustrating Windows issue quite a few times, I know how irritating it feels. But fret not! With these reliable ways, you can easily exit the full-screen mode on Windows 11 devices and even prevent this problem from cropping up time and time again. Keep reading…

Fix the Full Screen Mode Issues on Windows 11

Whether you want to get the most out of your adrenaline-pumping games, get into a long binge-watching session, or work with an app without any distractions at all, the full-screen mode comes into the picture. But when this beloved mode gets stuck, it tends to derail the whole experience, which is why it’s important to have effective tricks at your beck and call.

Method 1: Use the Escape Key

  • To me, the most straightforward way to exit full-screen mode on a PC is to use the Esc key on your keyboard. Since it’s designed to work with most apps including media players and web browsers, you can use it to get out of this mode without any pain at all. 

Method 2: Task Manager

When an app seems to be completely frozen or doesn’t seem to respond to clicks, “Task Manager” becomes the de facto go-to savior.

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to launch Task Manager on your PC.
  • Now, select the misbehaving app in the left sidebar.
  • Hit the “End Task” button in the top row of options to close the app.
Use Task Manager on Windows 11

Method 3: Use F11 for Browsers and Apps

  • When using a web browser like Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or a fully optimized Windows app, you can count on the “F11″ to let you quickly get rid of the full-screen mode. Notably, it allows you to switch between full-screen and normal view on your PC with utmost ease.

Method 4: Use the Window Controls

  • In most apps, you can take advantage of “Window Controls” to keep this vexing issue at bay. Simply, hover your mouse at the top of the screen to bring up the title bar. After that, hit the “Restore Down” icon that looks like the two overlapping squares in the top-right corner to quit the full-screen on your computer. 

Method 5: Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Games

  • Well, this one is for gamers! For times when you are playing your favorite games in full-screen, the “Alt + Enter” keyboard shortcut comes in pretty handy. Using this nifty shortcut, you can seamlessly toggle between full-screen and windowed mode. While I highly appreciate this shortcut, it doesn’t support all games, which is rather disappointing. 

Permanently Solve Ful Screen Mode Issues on Windows PC

What if your PC often gets stuck in full-screen mode? No worries! There are some viable ways to keep this issue at a fair distance.

6. Update Your Apps

  • Outdated apps never fail to throw all sorts of tantrums. So, go to the Microsoft Store > Library tab and update all the apps.
Update apps on Windows 11

7. Repair the Malfunctioning Apps

  • Windows 11 provides a more effective way to repair damaged or ill-functioning apps. Navigate to the Settings app > Apps > Installed Apps > Click on the triple-dot icon next to the app in question > Advanced Options > Repair. 
Advanced apps for apps in Windows 11

8. Clear the App’s Cache

  • Should an app continue to get stuck in the full-screen mode every now and then, try clearing its cache. Head over to the Settings app > Apps > Installed Apps > Click on the ellipsis icon next to an app > Choose Advanced Options > Reset.

9. Reinstall the Problematic Apps

  • If your PC is yet to get the better of this problem, why not reinstall the malfunctioning apps? Dive into the Settings app > Apps > Installed Apps > Hit the triple-dot icon located next to an app > Uninstall.

10. Update Your PC

  • If nothing has worked in taking control of the malicious full-screen mode on your Windows device, go for the latest update as there is a high chance that it could be due to a software bug. To do so, visit the Settings app > Windows Update and install the update.
update software on Windows computer

There you have it! With these trusted ways, you can keep this annoyance out of sight and also stop it from popping up over and over again. Have any thoughts to share about this guide? The comments section is waiting for you!

Posted by
Rajesh Mishra

Editor-in-Chief: Rajesh Mishra is a Shakespearean poet at heart who turned a tech nerd while having a secret rendezvous with iPhone 4. When that rendezvous turned obsession, he let go of his hard-core political journalism in favour of the lifelong love-affair with technology. In a career spanning one and a half decades, Mr. Mishra has crafted over 8K articles and produced more than 3K videos for YouTube. When he is not at his desk, you may find him either engrossed in a Deathmatch or chasing Wordsworth!

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