2 Ways to Block Math Results in iOS 18 on iPhone and iPad

As someone who is not great at solving complex Math equations, I have loved using the iOS 18 Math Notes. Probably the best part about this new add-on is the deep integration with iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, thereby allowing you to derive the answer to a Math equation almost anywhere on your system. Instantly, and that too without having to burn the fuel of your mind or break any sweat at all!

But then again, while the AI-driven Math Notes could be a boon for many, it could be nothing less than a bane for parents who don’t want their kids to misuse this feature. If you are one of them, follow along to learn the 2 reliable ways to altogether disallow the iOS 18 Math Results on your iPhone and iPad. Don’t worry! There is a neat way to get rid of it on your macOS Sequoia-powered Mac as well.

Block Math Results on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

So, how do you put an end to the pretty handy but harmful (for kids) Math Results on your iDevice? Well, Screen Time makes it dead simple to block this iOS 18 feature. Thanks to a dedicated toggle, you can take control of it at your own pace and convenience.

Disallow Math Results in iOS 18/iPadOS 18 on iPhone and iPad

  • On your iPhone or iPad, head over to the Settings app and choose Screen Time.
  • On the following screen, scroll down and choose Content & Privacy Restrictions.
Screen Time setting
  • Then, ensure that the “Content & Privacy Restrictions” toggle is set to the ON position.
  • To proceed, select Intelligence & Siri.
  • Now, select Math Results and choose Don’t Allow to prevent iOS 18 from showing the answer of a Math equation.
Block Math Results on iPhone and iPad

Hide Math Results from Keyboard Suggestion Bar in iOS 18/iPadOS 18 on iPhone and iPad

Notably, the latest version of iOS also shows the Math Results in the keyboard suggestion bar. However, if you find it irrelevant or no longer want to use this functionality, you can get rid of it – for good.

  • Navigate to the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad > General > Keyboard > Now, look for the Show Math Results toggle and turn it off.
Disallow Math Results in keyboard suggestion bar on iPhone and iPad

Going forward, the Math Results will no longer show up in your keyboard’s suggestion bar.

Block Math Results on Your Mac in macOS Sequoia 15

  • On your Mac, dive into the Apple menu at the top left and choose System Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy > Intelligence & Siri.
  • On the next screen, disable the toggle for Math Results and confirm the action by hitting the Done button in the window.

There you have it! Now, you know how to keep the Math Results under your control so that it doesn’t spoil the amazing intelligence of your kids. If ever the need arises to bring this feature into action, go back to the same Intelligence & Siri section inside Screen Time and reactivate it.

Posted by
Rajesh Mishra

Editor-in-Chief: Rajesh Mishra is a Shakespearean poet at heart who turned a tech nerd while having a secret rendezvous with iPhone 4. When that rendezvous turned obsession, he let go of his hard-core political journalism in favour of the lifelong love-affair with technology. In a career spanning one and a half decades, Mr. Mishra has crafted over 8K articles and produced more than 3K videos for YouTube. When he is not at his desk, you may find him either engrossed in a Deathmatch or chasing Wordsworth!

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