How to Enable/Disable Announce Calls on iPhone

First introduced in iOS 10, Announce Calls feature speaks the name of the contact calling you. If the number calling you is not saved in your contacts, Siri will speak the phone number aloud. And if the number does not appear on your screen, Siri will say “Unknown Caller.” When the Announce Calls is turned on, the ringtone rings as usual. However, when the call is announced, the ringtone becomes quiet. Here is how you can enable/disable announce calls on iPhone.

Quick Way to Enable/Disable Siri Announce Calls on iPhone

Since the steps for turning on Siri’s announce calls are the same in the latest iteration of iOS and older versions, you can get through the process even if you are not rocking the modern versions of the operating system.

Step 1. First off, open the Settings app on your iPhone.

Step 2. Now, scroll down and choose Phone.

Phone setting on iOS

Step 3. Under the Allow Phone to Access section, tap Announce Calls.

Step 4. On this screen, you have four options:

Enable/Disable Siri Announce Calls on iPhone
  • Always: Make Siri always announce calls
  • Headphones & Car: Let Siri announce calls when your device is connected to headphones and the car.
  • Headphones only: Allow Siri to announce calls only when your iPhone is connected to headphones.
  • Never: Choose it to stop Siri from announcing your iPhone calls

Finally, choose the preferred call announcement feature and you are good to go! It’s worth pointing out that whatever option you choose will come into effect straight away.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is Siri not working on my iPhone?

Make sure that your iPhone has a stable internet connection. Besides, make sure that your command is short and precise.

2. How do you completely disable Siri on iPhone?

Go to the Settings app on your iPhone -> Siri & Search -> turn off the toggles for Listen for Hey Siri and Press Side/Home Button for Siri.

Read more: How to Make Incoming iPhone Calls Show as Full Screen Again

Customize Siri Call Announcing Feature on iPhone to Your Liking

There you go! So, that’s how you can fine-tune Siri’s call-announcing functionality on your iOS device. Personally, I prefer to keep this feature turned on when my device is connected to a car or headphones. It helps me easily find out who is calling me. And if there is an unknown caller, it allows me to ignore the call with ease. What about you? Make sure to share your thoughts.

Posted by
Rajesh Mishra

Editor-in-Chief: Rajesh Mishra is a Shakespearean poet at heart who turned a tech nerd while having a secret rendezvous with iPhone 4. When that rendezvous turned obsession, he let go of his hard-core political journalism in favour of the lifelong love-affair with technology. In a career spanning one and a half decades, Mr. Mishra has crafted over 8K articles and produced more than 3K videos for YouTube. When he is not at his desk, you may find him either engrossed in a Deathmatch or chasing Wordsworth!

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